The GPS of Life

My granddaughter and I took their two dogs for a walk today. She took one leash and I took the other. One dog is a black lab mix, and the other is a German Shephard and much bigger. We traded back and forth for who had which dog. At times I wasn’t sure if she was walking the dog or if the dog was walking her, especially when she had the bigger dog.

I think life is sometimes like that. We are not always sure who is in control. There are lots of situations we are not in control of. Laws that have to be followed, whether we like them or not. Bosses and supervisors, kids have to listen to teachers and parents. We may not like all the laws and rules, however, if there weren’t any laws and rules to follow, life would be chaos. Imagine driving in a city with no laws, stop lights, or speed limits. What if people decided on any given day to drive on whichever side of the street they wanted to, turn around in the middle of traffic and go the other way, and follow whatever they wanted to do. We all know the disaster that would create. What is the point of a GPS if you always turn the opposite way that it tells you to go? You won’t end up at your destination, and if you do get there, it will take you a lot longer.

God gave us a plan for us to follow for our lives as well. He doesn’t dictate things like telling us what to where each day, but He does give us guidelines as to how to live. People can understand the reasons for driving laws as well as other laws, but at times want to change all the laws He gave us. When we go against His plan, we find our lives in as more chaos then driving down the wrong side of the road and signaling the opposite way you want to go. Following our own plan may seem to work, but in the end, it never turns out as well. His GPS for us is found in the Bible. It is never too late to turn around and go the right direction.

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