Seasons Change

The seasons are changing again. Winter is giving way to Spring. It is part of the plan God set in motion when He created the world. Our lives have seasons as well. Sometimes we anticipate and desire the next stage in our lives, and other times we try to hold on to the stage we are in for a little bit longer. That explains why there is such an industry for hair dyes, supplements, and a host of things to make one feel and look younger.

I wonder sometimes if the desire to stay young is because we really don’t want to die. We are so focused on our lives now that we can’t think of it changing. If we have Jesus in our hearts, then there is no fear in death. We have concern for our loved ones and what our departure will do to them, that is normal. But the fear of death should be replaced with anticipation. Like a child giving her dad a plastic necklace because he asked for it, not realizing he was going to replace it with a string of pearls, when we give up this mortal body, it will be replaced with a much better one. In addition to that, we can’t even imagine all He has in store for us. If we could truly understand, I don’t think there would be anything this life has that we would desire so much that we would rather have it than what God has prepared for us.

People spend a lifetime collecting “stuff”, only to try to decide what to do with it at the end of their life, or if they die, their loved ones get rid of it. Like Solomon would say, meaningless. What is the purpose. Things are nice and can make life easier and more enjoyable, but they should never take the place of what is most important. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. Colossians 3:2

The big issue is, have we accepted Jesus as our Savior. That makes all the difference in where we spend eternity. If you have not accepted Jesus, check out the page “God’s plan for Eternal Life”, contact me if you have any questions.

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