
Passion. That is a word that has been on my mind lately. What do you feel passionate about? Some people are passionate about sports. They can name the players, and all the statistics. Others may be passionate about cars or jobs, or making money, or food, or some cause, or many other things. I sometimes hear people tell others to find their passion, but what does that mean?

I googled the word “passion”. It came up as a strong, barely controllable emotion. A man with impetuous passion. The second listing was, the passion of Christ. I don’t think it is possible to come up with a better example of passion than what Christ did for us. When we compare all the passions people have in life, how many would go to the extent Christ did for His passion. His passion was us. Today I am in humbled wonder of how He could suffer so greatly for a people who still reject Him.

So many things in our world today are out of control. One can’t help but wonder what the future holds. Yet for the people who place their faith in Christ Jesus, we know that even though things will get tough, we will not walk through it alone, and we know what the back of the book says. We know who will win. We know our Hope is secure.

Because the One who displayed the greatest passion ever has already taken care of it all. His resurrection sets Him apart from all other religious leaders. He is alive, and He is coming to claim His bride.

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