Finding Encouragement

I noticed today as I was looking at the calendar that September 12 is National Encouragement Day. At first, I thought it was odd to have a day like that. Then I realized what day it followed and what it meant for our country. September 11 marks the day our nation was attacked. Many lost their lives in the attack and so many more lost a loved one in it all. As a nation, we lost a sense of security. Yet, out of it, the pictures of people pulling together is a wonderful sight. People who never knew each other or interacted together before worked side by side.

Sometimes it seems like it takes a tragedy to slow us down and concentrate on what is really important. During times like that, we tend to forget what color someone’s skin is, or what income bracket they are in. I have several friends and relatives going through some difficult health issues right now. They, and their families, are now finding togetherness is so important. It is not what they can buy, or where they can go, or what the can do that is as important as just being together.

I would like to encourage you to look at the positive things in your life, enjoy your family, spend time just being together and talking. There are things that have to be done, but take time for each other. When you reach the end of your life, it won’t be what you own, or did that will be nearly as important as the relationships you built. In all of that remember to build the most important relationship, a relationship with Jesus.