Pies and More

Sometimes things go the way we want them to, other times not so much.  Recently, my daughter, a friend of hers and I organized a pie contest.  It was a lot of fun.  I told my daughter though, that as I was preparing my pies, if it could go wrong, it did.  I say that with a smile on my face because while some of it was a bit frustrating, I knew it was not a life and death situation.  When I managed to spill coffee on the pie dough that I was rolling out, I knew it was almost comical.  I wasn’t concerned about winning, I just wanted my pies to look and taste good.  It all worked out.

Not all things are like that.  Many things are so much more important and the outcome has more drastic results.  However, there are a lot of decisions that we make that are not as serious as we sometimes we make them.  There are times we need to lighten up some and enjoy things a little more.  Not everything is made to be a competition.  Even if it is, some things are not as life changing as we, or others, try to make them.  We need to try to recognize which things are worth fighting for and which things need to just be enjoyed.

I hope you have some things you do that just bring enjoyment and lighten the stress in your life.  Having times you can relax and laugh help in handling the difficult situations.  Life is short.  We need to focus on what is important, but at the same time, “stop and smell the roses”.  And as you have heard me say before (if you have read the other blogs), God wants to help you in every situation.  You are loved!



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