This is my first blog. I have never done anything like this, so I am learning as I go. If you are an experienced blogger, I would be open to suggestions. One of the hard things for me in setting this up is, I know pictures make it look more interesting, but how do I add pictures. I guess a better way to say that would be, what do I add pictures of? I can’t take a camera into visitation. That would not be allowed. Most people with a loved one incarcerated would rather keep that bit of info as quiet as possible. Most of us (at least I think most of us) don’t go around bragging of having someone behind bars, so having their picture posted is not something desired. I would love to take some pictures of families visiting where everyone is positioned so that no faces can be seen… you know a child hugging his/her parent with their face in the inmates neck and the inmates face on the other side…. other such poses. But I don’t know how to make that happen.
Like I said, I am open to suggestion. This is our place to be real. So lets travel together on this journey.
Have a great day….